Choosing the Right Tattoo Needle: A Complete Guide (2025)

When getting started in the world of tattooing, the tattoo needle is an essential element to take into consideration. It is essential to educate yourself on the fundamental aspects of tattooing and the different needle options available. This article aims to enlighten you on all aspects of tattooing, types of tattoo needles, and criteria to take into account when making your choice. Becoming a tattoo artist is now possible, with the tattoo training online !


Tattoo Equipment

Formerly, the tattoo was made by hand using sharpened pieces of bone, what we now call handpoke. These pieces of bone were used to insert pigments under the skin. Over time, tattooing has become a profession in constant evolution. Today, technology makes tattoo machines available to us to facilitate the process.

Whether it is a homemade, amateur or professional tattoo, tattoo needle remains an essential element. Professional tattoo artists use a variety of equipment, including tattoo machines, thermal copiers, tattoo inks, and of course, tattoo needles.

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The Tattoo Needle

The first step in making a tattoo is choosing the appropriate tattoo needle. But what is the exact role of the tattoo needle? What are the different types of tattoo needles available?

The needles tattoos have the mission of depositing ink between the dermis and the epidermis, under the skin. They are either placed in plastic cartridges or welded onto a metal rod, called a needle bar. In other words, the tattoo needle is the essential tool for creating a tattoo.

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Tattoo Needle Categories

Tattoo needles come in different shapes and types, but they can be broadly classified into two categories: traditional needles and cartridge needles.

Traditional Needles

These needles, when combined with a tattoo machine, form what is called a needle bundle. They are welded onto a metal rod and attached to the tattoo machine. These needle bundles require the use of tubes, called nozzles, made of stainless steel sterilizable or disposable plastic, to hold in place the assembly consisting of the needles, the metal rod and the tattoo machine. Tattoo nozzles are essential for accurately directing the needle beam, but attaching them can be laborious.

Tattoo Needle Cartridges

The cartridges are tattoo needles pre-installed in a plastic part that serves as a nozzle. They are compatible with all rotary machines, allowing for quick change between tattoo needle machines. However, they are not compatible with traditional machines.


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Different Types of Tattoo Needles

Tattoo needles come in several types, grouped into six distinct categories:

Round Liner Needles : Also called tracing needles, they are welded in a tight round and are used for clean and precise work. Their thickness depends on the number of needles and their diameter, which allows you to create thin or thick lines. They are ideal for complex lines, lettering, Japanese, traditional, tribal, and geometric tattoos.

Round Shader Needles : Similar to Round Liner needles, they are also soldered in the round, but spaced further apart. They are ideal for thicker lines, color fills and shading. They are commonly used for lettering, Japanese, traditional and tribal tattoos.

Magnum Shader Needles : These are the most commonly used needles for shading. They hold a lot of ink, making shading and filling in easier. color over large areas. Their ability to hold more ink reduces the number of passes needed to inject ink, minimizing skin trauma.

Rounded Magnum Shader Needles : Also called "soft magnum", these needles are identical to the Magnum Shader, but with rounded welded needles. This allows better dispersion of the ink and a more regular line, preserving the skin. They are ideal for light shading, tattoos in Black and gray, realism in color, traditional and neo-traditional, Japanese, and tribal tattoos.

  1. Magnum Shader Double Stack Needles : These needles are welded more tightly than classic magnums, but with fewer needles. They are equally effective for complex fills and shading. They are suitable for color tattoos, Japanese, color realism, traditional and neo-traditional, tribal, and black and gray.
  2. Flat Shader Needles : The flat shader needles are welded in a straight line on the needle bar. They are ideal for inserting more ink into the skin, which allows you to create lighter or darker lines in a single pass. They are commonly used for color fills, shading, reasons geometric shapes, mandalas, and permanent makeup.

The Criteria for Selection of a Tattoo Needle

The choice of a tattoo needle depends on several criteria:

The choice of needles for tattooing is a crucial decision that depends on several essential factors. First of all, it is imperative to determine the type of tattoo to be performed, because this preliminary consideration will greatly influence the type of needle to favor.

Hand count plays a crucial role. It allows you to identify the gauge of the needle, the type of needles and the number of needles assembled together. For example, a numbering such as 1015CM means No. 10 gauge, with 15 soldered needles in a round configuration, and CM stands for Curved Magnum / Magnum Arrondie.

Needle size is also an essential component. This includes the diameter and gauge of the needle. A larger diameter promotes more ink flow, while a smaller diameter provides better control but with reduced flow. Typically, diameters vary between 0,25 mm for 8 gauge, 0,30 mm for 10 gauge, and 0,35 mm for 12 gauge.

  • Gauge 8 – Diameter 0,25: These needles, known as “Bugpin”, are among the finest. They are ideal for tattoos requiring slower ink flow, or for details and fine lines. Some tattoo artists prefer to use them for many projects, because they allow precise distribution of ink thanks to their reduced spacing.
  • 10 Gauge - 0,30 Diameter: Often called "double zero", these needles are a mid-size compared to 8, 10 and 12 gauges. They are suitable for virtually any style of tattoo, providing continuous and stable ink flow , unlike finer needles.
  • 12 Gauge – 0,35 Diameter: 12 gauge needles can be used in various styles of tattoos, but their usage varies. Their ink flow is relatively fast, making them suitable for traditional tattoos, thick lines, shading and color filling over larger areas.

There are also less common gauges, such as 6 and 14, as well as less common diameters, such as 0,20, 0,40 and 0,45, which are suitable for specific, less common applications.

La depth at which the needle enters the skin varies depending on the area being tattooed. It is essential to ensure that the needle you choose does not reach excessive depth and is capable of delivering the ink to the desired depth to achieve optimal results.

Le number of needles contained in your tattoo needle will depend on the type of tattoo you plan to achieve. Generally, the more needles, the thicker the tattoo will be. Needle configurations vary depending on the task at hand, such as Round liner for lines, Round shader for fills, Flat pat for coloring and geometric shapes, Magnum for shading, and Round magnum for realistic tattoos.

The numbering of tattoo needles indicates needle gauge, needle type and number of needles welded together. For example, on a box of needles, "1015CM" means #10 gauge, 15 indicates that there are 15 needles soldered in a round, and "CM" means "Curved Magnum / Magnum Arrondie".

Choosing the Right Tattoo Needle: A Complete Guide (2)

Choosing the Right Tattoo Needle: A Complete Guide (3)



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    How to choose your needles?

    Before purchasing needles, it is essential to take some preliminary measurements. In addition to ensuring that the selection criteria are respected, you must check that the needles are pre-sterilized, well manufactured, compatible with the equipment and adapted to the type of tattoo you wish to achieve.

    Check that the needles are well packaged

    Pre-sterilized needles are individually packaged to avoid contamination. Also check the expiration date on sterilized needles to ensure their safety.

    Make sure the needles are strong

    Well-made needles should be securely soldered, straight and properly attached to the needle bar, to avoid damage to the skin and ensure optimal ink flow.

    Make sure the needles fit your equipment perfectly by checking the match between the nozzles or tubes and the gauge and diameter of the chosen needle.

    Finally, make sure the needles selected are appropriate for the type of tattoo you plan to achieve, avoiding incompatible choices.

    In conclusion, choosing the tattoo needle is a crucial step in the tattooing process, determined by the type of tattoo, size, depth, number of needles and appropriate configuration. By taking these criteria into account and ensuring the quality and suitability of the needle, you will be able to obtain optimal results in your tattoo practice. Professional tattoo artists, with their experience, can also adapt their choice of needles according to their preferences and specific needs.

    It is essential to remember that tattooing, originating from Haiti, is an age-old art that has different meanings depending on cultures and civilizations. It involves injecting ink under the skin using a needle and other tools. To obtain quality results, it is recommended to hire a tattoo professional and ensure that you have the appropriate equipment for each project.

    Choosing the Right Tattoo Needle: A Complete Guide (2025)


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