God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (2025)

Apple of Iōunn and Horns of Blood Mead are collectibles you find inside Nornir chests. These items will increase your maximum health and rage respectively. They are vital to collect so you can survive longer in battles and don't die too quickly.

God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (1)Horns of Blood Mead

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Apple of Iounn

Nornir chests are those magically-sealed chests that can only be unlocked by destroying three runes hidden in places close to the chest. There are four puzzle types for these runes:

  • Lighting the braziers.
  • Destroying the runes.
  • Hitting all three bells quickly.
  • Embedding three spears into the three runes, then detonating them at the same time.
  • One chest is uniquely unlocked by completing the first six challenges in the Crucible.

There are 35 Nornir chests to find in the realms but only 30 are needed to fully max out your health and rage. You can use the complementary guide to find them all, in addition to all the other collectibles needed for the God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (3).

If you only want to find the Nornir chests to upgrade your health and rage, then don't worry. Below is the location of every Nornir chest:

Svartelfheim Chests

Map Screenshot

This is on the first island you docked at during the story (take the boat north from the southern gateway if looking for it post-game). There is a water geyser on the right that you can freeze to climb a high ledge. After you climb up, move forward a bit then climb down the ledge on the left. You can see the Nornir chest and all the runes you can destroy, which are all reachable from the ledge above.

From the last chest, get back on the boat and aim north. You'll come across two pathways and a small rocky island in the middle. Take the left path and go through the small opening. Land on the beach and kill all the enemies before you can progress. The chest can be seen when you get off the boat to the right. To unlock it, you have to match the symbols with the one on the chest. The first one is on the right path behind a water geyser. Continue moving on the right path and you'll find the second one just before you jump down. To find the last symbol, head back to where you got off the boat and climb the ledge on the left. Once you're up there, look right and the symbol will be in view.

To find these tunnels post-game, start from the gateway onNiðavellir Beachand set a marker for the 'Myrkr Tunnels Entrance', which will lead you to a train cart and then the trapdoor to the tunnels once you reach the top. While traversing through the tunnels, you will reach the room with the water tunnel puzzle that you already solved during the story. If it's your first time here, freeze the part on top of the wheel on the left, then crawl under the gap. The Nornir chest will be in front of you and it's hard to miss. One symbol will be hidden behind crates, another is in front of the first, and the last symbol requires multiplesigil arrowsto burn it (throw an axe at the barrel next to the rune to spill the flammable liquid).

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From where you first enter the area using the small train, go down the ramp and follow the path until you reach a divergence. Take the right path to find the chest. To unlock it, you have to embed your spear into the three runes at the same time, then detonate them by pressingGod of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (12). The first rune is in front of the chest. The second rune is found in the back left while facing the chest. The third one is seen from the bridge near where you first entered the area.

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This is located on your right when you get off the boat on this island. To unlock it, you have to hit all three runes as quickly as possible. The first rune is behind the chest. The second is on the left side from where you got off the boat. Hit the weak spot of the pole to be able to hit the rune. The third rune is on the far left behind a steel barrier. Hit the wooden board to raise up the rune from behind the barrier and be able to hit it. It's recommended to go for the third rune before going for the rest.

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God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (18)

The chest is in front of you from where you get off the boat. To unlock the chest, three runes need to be destroyed. You can find the first one on your left after you get off the boat. It's hidden behind a water geyser. Another one can be seen behind the chest and also hidden behind a water geyser. To find the last one, take the right path from the Nornir chest and you'll see another water geyser hiding the last rune. To break it, circle around that big rock and destroy it from the back.

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This chest can be found by first going toThe Watchtower, which is part of the same island. From the shop and gateway, head east and grapple up, then grapple up again to find the rig, with the chest on the same platform. Burn the rune next to it, then climb a ledge and throw the axe at the lantern inside the gate. Finally, usesonic arrowsto break through the blockage on the north side of the area and burn the lantern here to unlock the chest.

From the mystic gateway near the end of the tunnel, keep moving and you'll find a spot to embed the spear in it. Climb it and the chest will be on top. To unlock it, you have to embed a spear in each of the three runes and explode them simultaneously. One rune can be seen by going to the right side of the chest, and the last two runes are next to each other on the left side of the chest.

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While backtracking through the tunnel, you'll come across a divergence and you should take the left one (there will be a shining blue light). There is going to be an enemy encounter, and once you're done with them, cross the gap on the left and climb up on the right to find a big door. Enter the next room and go left to find an artifact.This Nornir chest is in the same room as the artifact. Look to the left and embed the spear in the hole, then use it to climb to the other side. You have to embed a spear in each of the three runes to unlock the chest. One rune is on the right side behind the waterfall. It's difficult to see but is recognisable by the blue sparkling effect around it. Another rune is in the middle path in front of the mystic gateway. The last one is behind the gold debris near the Yggdrasil rift on the left side. Use your axe on the explosive barrel to reveal the rune, then use the spear.

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Along the story path, your way will be blocked by a big cart. To cross the gap, you have to lower the cart by freezing the wooden water tunnel. The first rune is next to the chest. The second and third runes are on the left side. However, one of them can only be lit when the water tunnel is frozen, while the other one can be lit when the water tunnel is not frozen. You should light the latter first and then light the former because the water will put out the fire when unfrozen.

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Muspelheim Chests

Before you enter the area to fight the remnants of Asgard, look right to find an air wall that can be destroyed by the spear. The Nornir chest is behind that wall. The first symbol you can light is found on your left side while facing the air wall. The second is next to the first but can only be seen when standing next to the chest. To light it up, you have to usesigil arrowsand chain a reaction from the first symbol. The third is behind the Nornir chest. Click herefor a map view.

Clickherefor a view of the map.
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This chest is uniquely unlocked by completing the first two challenges in each of the three challenge sets. See God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (35)Trials by Fire if you need more information.

Vanaheim Chests

While following the path generally northeast from the gateway, and you will get to a tree root blocking your way. Go under it, then follow the path until you get to a clearing containing the chest. From the chest, look to your left and hit the left-hand symbol above the rune twice. Turn around and burn the shrub, then hit the left symbol above this rune once. Turn back to the path opposite the chest and burn the shrub in the left corner to uncover the rune. Hit the left symbol once to unlock the chest.

FromFreyr's Camp, go through the wooden gate, then follow the compass east. Grapple across on the right and follow the path. After crouching through a tunnel, head into the building on your right, then follow the path and drop down the other side of the wall. Continue through the gap next to the tent and follow the path.

At the fork, take the left path, then head northeast up the stairs and follow the path to find the chest. You should find some lore along the way.

First, burn away the shrubbery to the left of the stairs, then hit the left symbol once to show the P rune.

Turn toward the chest and hit the right symbol of the nearby rune once so that it shows the F rune.

Follow the path to a dead end where you can see the last rune in the distance. Hit the left symbol twice to open the chest. If you can't reach it, do a charged axe throw.

From the mystic gateway, take the left path that's away from the village to reach a crane.

Look at the crane on the left. Hit the symbol closest to you once so that the burning bucket swings close to you.

Interact with the bucket and swing it so that it burns the shrub on the left and lights up the rune, then take the path on the left and swing across to the other side.

From here, face the crane and hit the left symbol twice so the bucket is next to the tree. Swing the bucket to the right so it swings back and burns the rune in the tree. Turn back to the crane and hit the left symbol to allow you access to the other side.

When you're back on the other platform, hit the right symbol once so that it opens up the way. Swing across, then cross the bridge.

Turn around once you reach the other side and go down to the level below. Opposite the chest is the last rune, which you can light up with your blades.

You can reach this island from the gateway atFreyr's Camp. Follow the river west. After going through the gate, follow the compass west to where you can see an island full of poison, then aim southwest until you get to the shore.

Kill the enemies, then aim at the red bush to the right of the chest (stand back a bit). Place a maxed-outsigil arrowclose to the bush, then two more further down. Jump across and burn the nearest one with your blades.

Jump back across the water and throw the axe once at the right symbol so that it shows the R rune.

Climb the wall next to the spirit, then go down the zipline. Turn around and hit the right symbol once so that it shows the P rune. While you're here, it's worth picking up the artifact behind the mystic gateway that's technically part of theRiver Deltacollectibles. It's next to some treasure.

Return to the opposite shore and climb up the wall again, this time jumping across the platforms on your left, circling around until you see the last rune in the distance. Hit the right symbol once (F) to unlock the chest below.

Before going back down to unlock the chest, look ahead to where the red bush is. Place three maxed-outsigil arrows, one near the bush and the others further left. Burn the left one to set the bush alight and lower the chain.

After opening the last chest, climb up the chain and interact with the rune slate ahead to open up a new path for the boat.

Go back down and follow the river south. You will discoverGoddess Fallsalong the way. Take the first left turn you can (southeast) to reach a secluded area with drawings on the wall (The Veiled Passage) and go to the dock on the right.

Pick up a fire bomb from the cauldron behind, then turn around and place a sigil arrow on the bush on the right wall. Use the bomb to burn it.

Get another bomb and turn back to the wall. Place three maxedsigil arrowsacross the wall so that they're all linked, then throw the bomb at the central one. Use another bomb to break the rubble covering the chest.

Head west from The Veiled Passage to find this area. After killing the Wulvers, climb the wall next to the waterfall.

Head up the next wall, which is in the corner. Go to where you can see a small chest in the top-left corner and turn to the C rune. Place three maxed-outsigil arrowsfrom the rune to where you can reach one of them with your blades.

Turn around to the waterfall with the bird perched on top. Place two maxed-outsigil arrowshere, one by the rune and another on the rock below it, then light up the bottom one with your blades.

Grapple to the right, where the chest is. Place three maxed-outsigil arrowsleading up to the rune across the water (one near it, then one on both rocks in the water). Use your blades on the closest one to unlock the chest.

To travel to this area (which is in the hidden northern part of the region), you must have completedScent of Survivaland triggered the gateway inThe Canyons. You also must ensure that it'snighttime, so travel to the gateway atFreyr's Campto change the time at the Celestial Altar if necessary. If you haven't yet completed the favour, follow the markers to complete it.

To get this chest, you first need to flood the canyon and then use the boat and go to the southeast dock. After defeating the enemies, hit the symbol above the rune next to the spirit until E is showing. Go to the Celestial Altar and aim toward the red bush on the right. Place twosigil arrowsand then get closer and burn the nearest one with your blades. Use the axe to set this rune to N. Finally, climb the nearby wall and turn around so that you're facing the altar. Hit the rune above it until B is showing and you'll unlock the chest.

To get toThe Sinkholes, head east after climbing over the wall near the 'Crater Entrance' mystic gateway. Going down the zipline will take you to this area. [Map Screenshot]

After you drop from the zipline, turn back to it while dodging the plant spit. To the right of the chest, use two maxed-outsigil arrowsand your blades to burn the C rune.

Turn around and grapple up to the rock on your left, then turn around to the R rune. Place two maxed-out arrows near it, then a smaller one within reach (they seem to blow up more often if all of them are max size) before lighting it up.

Go back to the chest and run past it. Stand by the hole and cast the arrows as shown, then burn the closest one to unlock the chest.

When you're close to the gravestone, pull the chain on the right side of the area, then ride the boat to a shore in the northwest. Turn around and open up the gate. Defeat the Draugr, then use your spear to destroy each section of the rock. Take cover from the fire in one of the side rooms. Continue on the path, then use your spear on the weak rock on the right to block the tunnel

Climb the wall, then in the next area, throw a spear at the rune on top of the pillar on your right. Turn around and throw one at the rune on your left, by the cliff edge. Move into the area with The Untamed Fury and throw one at the last rune, which is on the large white pillar in the top-left corner. When all spears are in, pressGod of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (79)to detonate them simultaneously. The miniboss will soon retreat, so you won't have to wait long to open the chest.

From the northwest side of this area, move past the large lit-up gate and head northwest. Just past the poison plants, drop down. Go right and face the locked gate (this gate is directly opposite a cavern you can swing across). Use a maxed-outsigil arrowon the right side of the gate, then throw your axe to freeze the poison and allow you to get past. After killing the enemies, freeze the lantern near the chest, then go around the back of the chest and destroy the rune with your spear. Turn back and you will find a rune inside the tree on your left. To the right of the lore marker will be the last rune.

Head to the top right of the area, where there will be a shop. Climb up the ledges and drop down on the other side, past the Celestial Altar.

Throw the axe at the two runes behind the chest here, then run around on the left and hit the final one.

Alfheim Chests

From the gateway room, climb up the ledges, then squeeze through the gap on the right once you reach the cliff edge. Climb up the ledges ahead, then hop down the ledge on the left and burn the lantern here (God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (87)+God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (88)with the blades). Jump down again and burn the lantern on the cliff edge below. Run over to where the chest is on the left and burn the final lantern in the left corner.

This chest will be just before the Temple of Light. You can go to the remnants of Asgard location (it will be marked on the map), then continue along the left path and lift the pillar out of your way to find the area. This chest requires the spear from Chapter 10. From the chest, turn around and throw a spear at the rune next to it. Turn to your right and throw one at the rune on the ledge opposite the chest. Keep moving toward the temple, then hit the rune in between the waterfalls on the right. Detonate them all with God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (95)to unlock the chest.

While following the main path, you'll come across a big room with many hanging objects you can use to grapple. First, drop down from the ledge on the left and grapple across to the hanging object and the suggested path. Pull open the nearby gate and take a left to the room with water on the floor, then climb the wall on the left. Continue over the bridge and past the statue to reach the chest, which is a timed one where the runes need to be hit in quick succession. Go down the corridor to the right of the chest and set your companion's arrows tosonic. Order them to hit the crystal covering the rune (God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (99)+God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (100)). Return to the chest and hit the two runes that are in view, then quickly hit the crystal in the corridor you just left (you can aim at it from where you're standing).

After going down into the cave duringThe Secret of Sands, follow the path while fighting the enemies. After sliding down the rope, grapple to the pillar by the red bulbs and then to the other platform. Climb down and defeat the enemies, then open the gate close to the chest. Turn back and grapple up to the ledge on the right, then hit the first rune that's inside the nearby room. Jump back down and hit the one opposite the chest, then run through the gate you opened and hit the final one on the left.

Ride the sled and travel directly east. Just to the left of the short structure with the tree, get off the sled and hit the red bulbs with your axe. Next, burn the rune to the left of where they were. Keep circling around and burn the second rune that's close to the chest. Finally, walk back a bit and throw your axe at the lantern on top of the structure to burn the last rune.

Head north to the building with the large statue of a Light Elf. Break open the wall at the bottom and climb inside.

Continue forward and use your axe on the crystal to your left (get close and aim for the right side of it to have a better chance of hitting all the bulbs) to open up the way to the chest.

Turn around and place asigil arrownear the rune and place another close to the fire to the left of it (or you can just do it with one well-placed arrow).

Face the opposite side of the cavern and place a string ofsigil arrowsso the fire is linked to the next rune. This is very fiddly, but try to aim one arrow to the right of the fire, and another to the left of the rune. Hit each one three times so the bubbles are at maximum size, then hit anothersigil arrowat the fire. If it's not working, try placing them slightly closer to the middle.

(Click images for full size)

Still facing this direction, place three sigil arrows (at maximum size) so the rune is linked to the fleshy part of the wall above. Swap to a sonic arrow and hit the flesh with it, then quickly switch back to a sigil arrow and hit the rune.

If you need more visual help with this chest, check out this video (credit to Inflame)

Head southwest in the sled until you reach a fallen-over pillar next to a heart-shaped symbol.

Go underneath the pillar and light up the rune on the right side using your blades, then go back under the pillar.

Look up at the next rune that's on top of a stone pillar on the left. Place asigil arrowjust underneath it, then another just underneath that, then use your blades to light up the bottom one. Move closer to the pillar if you can't reach it.

The final rune can be found just over on the right from the previous one, on a ledge underneath a pointy rock.

Place twosigil arrowson the rock, one close to the rune and another further down. Hit them both three times so they reach maximum size, then light up the bottom one. Once it's lit, run back under the fallen pillar to open the chest.

If you need more visual help with this chest, check outthis video(credit toInflame)

Midgard Chests

Follow the map marker to the remnants of Asgard of this area, in the top-left corner ofMidgard. Defeat the enemies, then pull down the wall with your blades. Progress forward and burn the rune in this area. Grapple up the wall next to it, then at the top of the cliff will be the next rune to burn. Jump down the nearby ledge, then burn the final rune up above. The chest is at the bottom.

From the Lake of Nine, head to the northeast side of the map. Burn the shrub near the rubble and go inside the temple to fight some enemies. Climb up past the Nornir chest and climb the wall to find more enemies. Climb up the chain, then drop down on the other side. Interact with the huge chain nearby to open up a way to a room on the right that's below the snow.

Enter the room and continue forward, then use asonic arrowon the object next to the altar. Open up the gate next to you to find the chest, which is a timed one.

First, throw the axe at the rune that's in the passage next to the gateway. This seems to take the longest to reset, so is best hit before the others.

Turn around and run to the right. Face left and throw the axe at the rune that's slightly obscured by the brazier in the lit-up area.

Quickly turn around and throw the axe at the final rune directly opposite the previous one. This rune seems to have the shortest timer, which is why it's placed last.

Get in the sled and ride over to the east side of the map (your destination is just to the left of the giant bridge, before you go under it). Defeat all the raiders inside as part of theAnimal Instinctsfavour.

Click herefor a view of the map.

Go to the left side of the room and place asigil arrowonthe shrub near the chest, then get closer and set it alight with your blades (God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (130)+God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide • PSNProfiles.com (131)). Pick up a fire bomb from the cauldron in the center of the room and use it to light up the rune you just uncovered.

Move past the cauldron to the opposite side of the room, then look to your right to where you can see a rune in the distance. Use two maxed-outsigil arrowson the pillar, one near the rune and another further down, then throw a firebomb at the bottom one.

Finally, pick up another bomb and throw it past the gold rubble on the wall near the chest to light up the last rune.

From the perspective of leaving The Derelict Outpost, follow the ice on the right path to reach this building. You could also track Sigrun's Curse to find it.

Defeat the enemies, then use your blades to pull the giant gold shield over to the right side.

Climb up the middle of the shield and break the lantern at the top with your axe to make the pillar fall, then pull the fallen pillar to the left.

Grapple back down and pull the gold shield to the left, then hit the uncovered rune with your blades (the marker will turn orange when in range).

Climb the left side of the shield and defeat the wisps, then usesigil arrowsto light up the rune above you on the right.

Go through the passage on the left and use the blades to pull the fallen pillar further left, then jump down and pull the gold shield to the right.

Use the gear to open the gate. While holding it open, place asigil arrowon the smaller gear to the left, then throw an axe at the sigil to freeze it. Do the same with the gear on the right side of the shield.

Enter and open the chest, then turn around and hit the lock to let your companion in. Usesigil arrowson the ceiling and wall close to the rune on the right side of this room to open up the chest outside.


To reach the prison, follow the left path just before you enter the raven tree area, then climb down the wall. This prison consists of 4 levels, with each level containing one or two things to collect.

Map Location

Once you enter the prison, embed the spear into the red crane then use it to go down to the second level.

Turn left and open the cell in front of you near the chain to find the first rune. Next, lower the crane to the level below you using the chain near the cell.

  • There will be another chain to control another crane, and you need to use it to lower the crane to the bottom. After that, head to the cell on your right and fight the enemy to unlock a shortcut to the level above you.

  • This shortcut will put you on the side of the Nornir chest and a rune. Unlock the door in front of them with the blades, then go back to the level below you.

  • Use the spear you embedded into the second crane to reach the bottom level. Turn around and look at the small middle area to find the third rune. Go back to the chest and unlock it.
God of War Ragnarök Trophy Guide  • PSNProfiles.com (2025)


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